
Brussels Talking Lecture Series

The VUB Communication Studies Lecture Series is a prestigious series of compact two-hour conferences on media and communication in Europe with prominent guest speakers from the European media industry, journalism, academia, NGO’s, and European institutions.

The Lecture Series enhances understanding of topical debates about economic, political, technical, legal and societal aspects of media and communication in Europe.

The lectures take place both in 1st semester and in 2nd semester. Lectures and roundtables of approximately 45-60 minutes are followed by 45-60 minutes of discussion.


This series of lectures is organised by Prof. Luciano Morganti for the COMMUNICATION STUDIES (SCOM) Department, part of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School at VUB.


The Brussels Talking Lecture Series runs over two semesters this academic year.

SEMESTER 1 (October - December)

November 23, 2021- Christophe Leclercq – Founder Euractiv, Chairman Europe’s Media Lab – Media and the EU – Evolution, challenges and Policies, 16-18h, D0.02

November 30, 2021, Optional -  16-18h, D0.02

December 7/2021 – Lucia Recalde – Head of Unit, Creative Europe & Media - Covid 19 and the European media and audio-visual industries: the light after the perfect storm?  16-18h, D0.02

Please refer to the course schedule as last-minute changes and changes in the programme might occur.

SEMESTER 2 (February - May)

February 15, 2022 - Mathias Vermeulen – Public Policy Director - AWO - To regulate or not to regulate harmful content online? A blueprint for an effective EU approach, 16-18h, D0.02
March 8, 2022 - Ted Shapiro - Partner and Head of Brussels Office, Wiggin LLP - The politics of Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market: issues for media professionals 16-18h, D0.02
March 22, 2022 - Siada El Ramly - Director General DotEurope, European trade association representing the platforms economy – Where will the EU go with its Digital Policy Agenda now? 17-19h, D0.02 – on ZOOM
April 19, 2022 - Aidan White – Director, Ethical Journalism Network – Ethical Journalism as an Inspiration for Free Expression, 16-18h, D0.02
April 26, 2022- Thierry Geerts Country Director, Google Belgium
Homo Digitalis – How digitalisation is making us more human, 16-18h, D0.02
May 3, 2022 - Andrea Renda – Senior Research Fellow CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies), Professor College of Europe – "From ethics to policy: will Europe drive the world towards "AI for good"?", 16-18h, D0.02

Please refer to the course schedule as last-minute changes and changes in the programme might occur.


This year we make the lecture series topics more interactive. Therefore, we launched a page on facebook and a channel on twitter. Why not, we even created a wordpress page (blog). Via these media, we try to keep the interaction alive on topics discussed or to be discussed.


The information and views set out in all BTLS associated websites and social media platforms are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Neither the VUB nor any person acting on its behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. The Blog pages, Twitter and Facebook accounts and the posts therein are meant to be part of the university Master Course Brussels Talking: Europe, Media and Society Lecture Series. As such they are tools for the students to practice and experiment with social media campaigns and are used as evaluation tools for the teacher. The reader of the BTLS social platform pages should be aware that the posts therein and the comments they generate could contain non-checked information. The reader should also be aware that neither the VUB, nor any person acting on its behalf, nor the course instructor, may be held responsible for the opinions expressed, the comments generated and their tone.


The Lecture Series is open to all, and is particularly relevant for media and communication professionals, from the EU and other international institutions, NGO representatives, and academics.

The lectures are an integral part of the two English-language VUB Masters of Science in Communication Studies on ‘New Media and Society in Europe’ and ‘Journalism and Media in Europe’. They provide the students a full-portfolio insight into the evolving landscape of media and communication in Europe.

Do you want to follow a BTLS Lecture?

If you are not a VUB student but you would like to follow one or more of the BTLS lecture, please send an mail to the 3 recipients indicated here: 

luciano.morganti@vub.begiordano.zambelli@vub.be and Yuwen.Gu@vub.be.

Please title your mail ‘Request to follow BTLS’ and in the message specify:

  1. your affiliation
  2. the reasons why you are interested and you would like to follow that specific lecture.

We will do our best to grant access to all requesting it. 

If you should have any questions

contact us via faces@vub.be