
Summer/Winter Schools at VUB 2022

Summer School on EU Policy Making: Analysing civil rights in today's EU 

The intensive two-week Jean Monnet Summer School on EU Policy Making is held from Monday 4 to Friday 15 July 2022. The Brussels School of Governance (VUB) joins forces with the Diplomatische Akademie Wien — Vienna School of International Studies and the University of Vienna to bring you this ‘crash course’ in European Union Policy Making. The focus area will be civil rights, touching on policy discussions related to human security, migration, anti-discrimination, diversity.

Packed with interactive seminars and study visits, this summer programme attracts students and young professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge of the European institutions, European law and the European decision-making process in general. The first week of the summer school takes place in Brussels and reviews the main EU institutions and decision-making procedures. During the second week students learn more about EU foreign relations, while enjoying the beautiful city of Vienna.

Credits: 5 ECTS

For more information and to apply, please visit the Summer School page of the Brussels School of Governance website

Course runs 4-15 July 2022

Biotech Summer School 'Where Biology Meets Technology' 

2022 will see a revamped edition of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Summer School: “Biotech in Brussels: where biology meets technology” in August 2022. The Summer School will last 2 weeks, with ample time to immerse the participants into state-of-the-art biotechnology-related research and developments. The summer school is aimed at BA students with a background in biology, chemistry, biotechnology or biomedical sciences and with an interest in topics such as cancer research, synthetic biology, structural biology, plant genetics, microbial biotechnology, and research valorisation. 

You will be immersed in the VUB's multidisciplinary and international research environment which has an excellent reputation in training and research in molecular biology and biotechnology. Inspiring lectures from VUB professors, but also from international guest speakers, will be combined with hands-on workshops in state-of-the-art laboratories of the "Structural Biology Brussels", "Microbiology" and "Cellular and Molecular Immunology" research groups. During the first week, you will go on a fascinating journey starting from the molecular level with a focus on proteins, to the cellular level with a focus on the engineering of plants or microorganisms for use as cell factories, and on disease. Unique topics will be covered, such as the use of fungi for the creation of sustainable biomaterials to nanobodies, a unique class of camel antibodies with far-reaching applications in biotechnology and medicine. During the second week, you will be able to take a close look behind the scenes of a research laboratory and follow a researcher closely during his/her research project, a unique opportunity for bachelor-level students.

Credits: 3 ECTS

Info and application: please visit the Biotech Summer School website - deadline for applications: 30 April.

Course runs 8-19 August 2022

VUB Engineering Summer School 2022

The VUB Faculty of Engineering  is proud to present its first VUB Engineering Summer School 2022 in cooperation with ArcelorMittal. Over a period of one week, industry guest speakers and VUB professors will cover all fields of engineering linked to the main operations and production processes of ArcelorMittal. Students will also be invited for a guided tour visit to the site in Ghent.

  • Are you a bachelor student with minimum two years of a background in engineering?
  • Do you want to make a head start in your career and education and learn more about topics ranging from steel production and how to reduce the impact of Co2 to robotics and machine learning.?
  • Do you want to learn how a real-world multinational company operates and applies the latest of engineering technology to its operations?

The summer school will give every subject addressed ample time and consideration. On the first day, there will be a welcome session outlining practicalities for the week, with an outline on the education and research activities at the VUB, and an overview of the learning objectives and activities of the summer school itself. There will also be an introductory class to ArcelorMittal. The rest of the first week will consist of lectures, from VUB professors and industry speakers. Various topics will be addressed, such as steel production, AI, robotics and machine learning. Besides the learning activities, there will be ample of time for social activities to enjoy the VUB campus in summer and the nearby centre of Brussels, including a tour of Brussels, a visit to Ghent and a closing reception.

For more information and to apply, please visit the VUB Engineering Summer school website.

Course run 11-15 July 2022. 

Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law 2022 - "Engineering the data regulation(s) in an age of reform"

The adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was the major piece in the EU data governance framework. In order to complete this framework EU policymakers have been busy drafting amendments to existing laws and proposing new legal measures to respond to the realities of data economy. In this context, the European Commission has most notably put forward several regulatory proposals. 

The 2022 Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law will focus on the EU data governance reform. Each regulatory text will first be placed within its proper background and ecosystem, before analysing its regulatory approach and (still draft) provisions. Particular attention will be paid to its relationship with specific aspects of the EU data protection law, particularly with the GDPR.

The 2022 Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law will take place in a hybrid format, both on-line and on-site, from Monday June 27 to Friday July 1, 2022. In the morning, participants will attend lectures by selected speakers including internationally recognised academics, policy makers, data protection authorities, and civil society representatives. In the afternoon, they will engage in interactive sessions and teamwork allowing them to further connect regardless of their location.

For more information and to apply, please visit the Summer Academy website. 

Course runs 27 June-1 July 2022

W.A.T.E.R summerschool 2022: hands-on experimental research in hydraulics

W.A.T.E.R.: Workshop on Advanced measurement Techniques and Experimental Research is a Summer School started in 2016 by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (www.vub.be) and the IAHR Experimental Methods and Instrumentation Committee (EMI) (www.iahr.org). The 6th edition will be held in the Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa from July 18 to July 22, 2022. The W.A.T.E.R. Summer School is focused on experimental methods applied in different hydraulics fields. It combines theoretical sessions and hands-on measurement exercises in the laboratory. It is aimed at PhD and Master students as well as practitioners who are willing to get training in advanced hydraulic measurement techniques. A training program consists of both technique fundamentals and their applications.

The participants will have the opportunity to perform real-time measurements of different physical variables using state of the art techniques including PIV, PTV and UVP.

The W.A.T.E.R. Summer School is also a meeting point for young researchers to foster the exchange of information and cooperation between different institutions, and at the same time to provide the participants with an international research environment. Topics covered:

    1. Hydraulic measurement fundamentals
    2. Image analysis methods for velocimetry, Particle Image and Particle Tracking Velocimetry
    3. Acoustic Doppler measurement fundamentals
    4. Measurement of sediment concentration and fluxes
    5. Data processing and data visualization

For more information and to apply (1 page motivational letter and a short CV before 15 May), please visit the W.A.T.E.R summer school website, or check the flyer

Credits: 3 ECTS

Course runs 18-22 July 2022, in Lisbon (Portugal)