
Kick-start your future

Studying Electromechanical Engineering at VUB is a smart choice. The Bruface collaboration between the two largest educational institutions of engineering in Brussels, offers you the best of both worlds: an English-taught programme with no less than four possible specialisations and a highly qualified academic staff. The multidisciplinary two-year programme combines technology and strong scientific knowledge, and provides you with a large international network of companies and research facilities. There’s no better place than this internationally oriented city to kick start your career.

“The VUB is my window to the world, but also a safe home.”

Combine scientific and technical skills

Scientific and technological efficiency is key in the Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering. It’s an academic programme, which implies a close link with scientific research in the related fields. The programme offers a balance between scientific and technological knowledge, skills that are useful for both professional use and scientific research.

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Educational Quality

Here at VUB we put great care and effort in the quality of our education. Transparency is key. Information on the educational quality of each programme is public, e.g. describing its strengths and actions.

Public info on the quality of the programme

How does it work?

This Master offers

  • A broad range of scientific knowledge combining a multidisciplinary engineering training with an in-depth specialisation in the chosen major.
  • Students the necessary tools to begin a productive career in engineering practice or research.
  • Close contact with highly qualified academic staff and specialists from industry and research institutes.
  • The best international context you can think of in Europe. Study in Brussels, the capital of Europe!
  • A gateway to a challenging and exciting future.

Study credits

ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): 1 credit represents 25-30 hours of study activity

Four majors

This programme studies the versatile aspects of state-of-the-art technology in aeronautics and spin-off possibilities in other industries. The goal is to give students insight into all aspects of the design, construction, exploitation and maintenance of space and aircrafts.

This major focuses on the current and future issues associated with sustainable energy supplies. It covers all aspects from the primary energy sources to the smart energy carriers being used in industry, transportation, and domestic applications. By the end of this program, students will be able not only to understand the main challenges in the energy supply and renewable energy sources but also to see the important links between energy policies and energy-savings.

This major aims to provide students with the necessary tools for developing integrated electromechanical systems and stand-alone machines (sensors, actuators, controllers and mechanical systems). It enables students to become familiar with methods for designing and constructing machines and structures, as well as with modern design and manufacturing techniques, including micro-manufacturing and micro-systems.

Vehicle Technology and Transport
Transportation systems, whether they’re designed for humans or goods, require specialised engineers for their design, control and maintenance. This option is devoted to the different aspects of land-based means of transportation: structure, materials, sources of energy, propulsion, electronics, and lighting. There are also courses devoted to rail infrastructure and logistics, with a focus on sustainable mobility.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes describe the intended knowledge and understanding, skills and attitudes that you must master after completing your studies. Do you want to know more about the specific learning outcomes of this programme? Click here for more information.


A master degree opens doors in many different branches and sectors. You will be able to work in the private sector, (non-) governmental organisations, or continue your academic career as a PhD researcher. Not sure what your next step should be? The VUB helps you with your first steps on the job market.

First step in the job market

Can be found in various fields including:

  • machine construction
  • mechatronics
  • automobile industry
  • thermal installations
  • aircraft construction
  • maintenance in every industrial sector (e.g. chemical and nuclear)
  • companies
  • electrical energy (production, transport, distribution, renewable energy, electrical
  • drives, power electronics)
  • energy management and policy, rational use of energy
  • terrestrial transports
  • consulting firms

The VUB helps you to make your first step in the job market with workshops, networking events, job fairs, tips ‘n tricks for job interviews. All an ambitious student needs!


The VUB helps you to make your first step in the job market with workshops, networking events, job fairs, tips ‘n tricks for job interviews. All an ambitious student needs!

First step on the market


If you want to continue your academic career, you can apply for a PhD position at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. All you need is a promoter, research subject and sufficient funding. Are you up for this challenge?

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Language requirements

Prospective students can provide proof of sufficient knowledge of English as language of instruction by meeting one of the following criteria. Please find here an overview of the criteria.

Academic requirements

  • I have or will soon have a Bachelor's degree in Engineering Sciences of at least three years, or consisting of at least 180 ECTS credits or equivalent (such as 130 US credits or semester contact hours)
  • I have an overall degree above average, which in the US grading means level B or a GPA of minimum 3 out of 4. For conversion to the US grading system please consult this page.
  • I have obtained a minimum of 20 ECTS credits or equivalent in athematics courses, and 15 ECTS or equivalent in other fundamental science courses such as chemistry, physics and mechanics.
  • I have obtained a score above average for the mathematics courses, which means a score of minimum 3.2 out of 4, 15 out of 20 or equivalent B+ level.
  • I am or will be able to prove my knowledge of the English language.

Specific admission criteria

Bachelors in Engineering with a diploma from a Flemish university have direct access to the programme.

Admission of students from other institutions is evaluated through a complete application file. Students with a bachelor in the same field of study have direct access after the evaluation of their application file. Holders of another engineering degree need to be approved by the curriculum council.

Find out more and start your application

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Application deadline

Prospective students are advised to apply as soon as possible, even if they have not yet obtained their degree. Applications can only be submitted through our website.

  • Students who require a visa (non-EU/EEA nationals) need to submit their pre-application before April 1st
  • Students who do not require a visa must submit their pre-application before before September 12th
  • Note: if the proof of English proficiency or APS certificate is not ready before the deadline, you can always submit it later instead of missing the deadline

For more details on admission requirements and application

Click here

Tuition fees

Students pay the tuition fee at the institution at which they enrol, in agreement with the institution’s legal requirements. The tuition fee for the non-EU students is recalculated yearly and jointly by both institutions, taking into account the legislation in both regions. Indication of tuition fee: 800 - 3000 euro per year.A detailed overview of the tuition fees can be found here.